Pharmacies and Road Safety
Keeping on with the trend we have just released two new datasets into : Pharmacies and Road Safety.
The “Pharmacies” data is provided in both, csv and geospatial format. The York area specific “Road Safety“ data represents the most up-to-date set available, covering the period from 2005 to 2014, and, although it is only provided in its csv format, the dataset is fully georeferenced, containing easting and northing as well as longitude and latitude attributes, which makes this dataset highly valuable for both, spatial and spatiotemporal analyses.
For wider geographical coverage, please visit the NHS Choices website for Pharmacies, or’s relevant resources for the Road Safety data.
The update frequency for Pharmacies and for Road Safety data is annual and will be carried out as soon as a new data will become available.
For further information please contact us at